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Young People Growing in Faith

As a church family we have a collective responsibility to help young people to grow in faith. We aim to support parents in this ministry by providing and enabling opportunities for young people to learn and explore God’s word and draw closer to Jesus.


See the current programme covering all young people/youth activities.

Groups for Young people/youth include:


 For those aged 3 to 11


For school years 5 and 6 (must be brought by a parent/carer). Impact is a weekly after-school club during term time for children to learn more about the bible. With games and craft based on bible stories, it’s a great way for children to take the first steps in their faith while having fun with their friends.

latest news Jan 2025 - Impact has re-started after a pause for several months. Thanks be to God! Contact Celia for details



 For school years 7 and upwards. This group explores their faith at a deeper level in companionship with others of a similar age and facing similar life challenges. With food, friendship and fun! There are also special programmes for those who want to be confirmed in their faith. 

For the Autumn Term 2023 the programme was on  DISCIPLESHIP EXPLORED -what does it look like to follow Jesus using Paul’s letter to Jesus’ followers in Philippi.


We also run a Messy Church once a month (find latest details here). Briefly:

  • Messy Church is a form of church for children (aged 0-11) with parents/carers that involves creativitycelebration and hospitality.
  • It's primarily for people who don't already belong to another form of church.
  • It meets at a time (and sometimes in a place) that suits people who don't already belong to church.
  • It typically includes a welcome, a long creative time to explore the biblical theme through getting messy; a short celebration time involving story, prayer, song, games and similar; and a sit-down meal together at tables. All elements are for, and should include, people of all ages, adults and children.
  • It's fun.
  • It's a church for people at all stages of their faith journey and of any age.
  • It models and promotes good ways of growing as a family: a nuclear family, an extended family, and a global and local church family.
  • Its aim is to introduce Jesus, to give an opportunity to encounter him and to grow closer to him.


Adults getting involved

Do you have a passion to work alongside young people as they develop and explore their faith and build their relationship with God? If so, we would love you to consider being a volunteer to facilitate any of the opportunities described here - and, hopefully, to bring and help develop new ideas. For all volunteers working with young people there is a recruitment process with DBS checks. Safeguarding training is provided and there is supervision and guidance throughout.

If direct involvement in youth activities is not for you there are other valuable ways to be involved:

  • Prayer. Please pray regularly for our young people, for their faith and for the volunteers who work alongside them. 
  • Encouragement. Take time to get to know our young people, to share your faith with them and to encourage them in their journey.
  • Finance. Please consider donating to support our work with youth and young children. You can also consider giving a regular donation to help fund the part-time youth/family worker who we hope to share with the Methodist Church. This post is currently vacant, but up to 2021. the parish provided a financial contribution of £6,000/year for this post.


For further information please contact:
Any of the Groups: Celia Tweedie-Smith or Mary Hodges
Youth Worker Funding: Berta Legg